Friday, 10 February 2017

'A Day in the Life of Mort' by Andrew (Mole Class)

When Mort wakes up he shouts "Fruit hat" and rushes to King Juelien's hut and snuggles up to King Juelien's feet. He sees the feet and says ooh. Then Mort has his usual breakfast wood chips. After Mort eats breakfast he has a shower of toe nails and always swallows one or two. when he finishes his showers he goes to clovers hut to do some fighting skills but he is very bad because he is a teeny teeny teeny bit fat. At 6 o'clock Mort is tired and starts to walks to his hut by 7 o'clock he is outside his door and he goes inside. Now it is bed time and Mort prays to Fred the feet god and says good night.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Andrew on being the first Mole after Mrs France. I think I prefer toast to toenails for breakfast!


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